Coaching with Spirit of Eagles

Life, Health, Career

Even one single discovery can change everything for you!

Helping You Discover a Happier & Healthier You

Feel Like It’s Time to Make a Change in Your Life, But Can’t Seem to Find a Way?

We promise you that the discovery of your Authentic Self – the True You – will feel like a thousand-pound weight has been lifted off your shoulders. We have seen this time and again.

You will no longer have to invent or promote an idealized self-image. You will feel you have nothing you need to hide or protect. Living in the Authentic Self is quite simply enough.

We support your discovery of the real you as you move into alignment with your deepest goals and ambitions. In this state, frustrating roadblocks disappear.

Spirit of Eagles coaches are specifically trained in cutting edge psycho-energetic healing protocols as well as the latest coaching methods to unlock your full potential. Life and success can begin to unfold with ease.

We provide inspiration and support as you reach for self-mastery that you find is now within your grasp.

The discovery of your authentic self holds many practical benefits for you:

You wake up every day more energized and optimistic

You are far less susceptible to stress, frustration and anxiety

You think more clearly and more creatively

You are more resistant to illness

You enjoy far more positive and meaningful relationships

You enjoy greater career success

You behave with greater empathy toward others

You gain more focus and determination

You develop greater ability to stand firm on your principles

Life in general flows more smoothly for you

 Assessment Tools for Building Self-Awareness

Assessment tools are all designed to provide feedback about who we are and how we behave. Some tools give us a general overview of behavioral tendencies while others are quite specific. Here is an explanation of four assessment tools that can assist clients in maximizing self-awareness and personal happiness.


Results Accelerator is an intensive coaching experience that gives people committed to maximizing their professional and personal potential, powerful insights and self-awareness.The intake process and debrief are both intensive and enjoyable, expanding your impact and influence with others while taking your abilities to an entirely new level.


The Johari 360 provides a simple and informal opportunity to receive quality positive feedback regarding strengths and blind spots. This allows the client to include many feedback providers or a select few. The process can be adjusted to focus on career, relationships or personal life. Comparing perceptions from a variety of viewpoints can be very helpful for increasing self-awareness.


The Profiles Select XT® from Wiley and Sons is designed to measure human potential and how we are “hard-wired” in various areas of our behavior. With very high reliability and validation ratings, XT measures thinking and reasoning styles, career or personal interests and behavioral traits to allow us to see a more complete picture of the total person. Whether you seek the perfect career fit, or a clearer understanding of personal behavior traits, the assessment provides effective guidance.


We all have our unique preferences for how we behave in the various roles we assume in our lives. These three style preference assessment tools can help you understand better why you behave in certain ways in differing circumstances. It can help to explain why you feel so uncomfortable in some settings, yet so at ease in others.  

How It Works

Coaching 1-on-1

Lets connect and see if you are ready to take the steps towards a more authentic you!


Choose a Group Package

We offer group coaching in a corporate setting as well as family and peer groups.

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